Our Mission
CVR's core mission is to provide the highest quality, most cost-effective legal representation and educational resources exclusively to local governments so as to reduce conflicts of interest and aggressively maintain loyalty to local government public interests.
Calendar of Procedural Deadlines for Missouri Municipalities
Practice Areas
City Attorney and other General Municipal Legal Services
Local Government Litigation, Condemnation, and Arbitration
Municipal Taxation and Economic Development
Zoning, Land Use and Code Drafting
Utilities, Telecommunications, Franchises, and Right-of-Way
Public Employment Matters
Public Official Training and Seminars
Cunningham, Vogel & Rost, P.C. ("CVR") is a regional law firm formed in 2002 to provide quality legal representation exclusively to local governments and related public-oriented interests. CVR was the first law firm in the region established to fulfill this important function.
With around a dozen attorneys and support personnel committed solely to public sector municipal interests, CVR provides a depth of municipal experience and a unique approach that avoids the inherent conflicts-of-interest arising from representation adverse or potentially adverse to the municipal interests. CVR is committed to providing creative and professional solutions to the complex issues that confront public officials and local governments. Like our local government clients and committed staff, we take great pride in working directly for our communities and have therefore established our law firm to provide a legal resource that is committed to the interests of the public sector.
The firm has represented more than 100 local governments including cities, villages, counties, municipal taxing districts, and related public entities in Missouri, Illinois, and Kansas as City Attorney or special legal counsel. Lawyers in the firm have also served the interests of our municipal clients through pro-bono and other special counsel representation of public-oriented organizations such as the Missouri Municipal League, Municipal League of Metro St. Louis, St. Louis Regional Arts Commission, National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisers, Mid- America Regional Council, and numerous other local public entities and organizations.